Training Parameters

Sector: Food Processing
Sub-Sector: Bread and Bakery
Occupation: Processing-Bread and Bakery
NSQF Level: 2.5

Program Overview

Training Outcomes
At the end of the program, the participants will be able to:

  • Maintain work area and process machineries for baking appropriately
  • Prepare for production of bakery products as per production needs
  • Prepare bakery products as per standard work practices

Module1: Introduction to Training Program and Overview of Food Processing Industry
Module 2: Prepare for production
Module 3: Baking of bakery products
Module 4: Ensuring food safety and personal hygiene
Module 5: Employability skills
The following tools are proposed to be used for final assessment:

  1. Written Test: This will comprise of (i) True/False Statements (ii) Multiple Choice Questions (iii) Matching Type Questions. Online system for this will be preferred.
  2. Practical Test: This will comprise a test job to be prepared as per project briefing following appropriate working steps, using necessary tools, equipment and instruments. Through observationit will be possible to ascertain candidate’s aptitude, attention to details, quality consciousness etc. The end product will be me assured against the pre-decided MCQ filled by the Assessor to gauge the level of his skill achievements.
  3. Structured Interview: This tool will be used to assess the conceptual understanding and the behavioural aspects as regards the job role and the specific task at hand.


Term Description
Declarative Knowledge Declarative knowledge refers to facts, concepts and principles that need to be known and/or understood in order to accomplish or to solve a problem.
Key Learning Outcome Key learning outcome is the statement of what a learner needs to know, understand and be able to do in order to achieve the terminal outcomes. A set of key learning outcomes will make up the training outcomes. Training Outcome is specified in terms of knowledge, understanding(theory)and skills (practical application).
OJT(M) On-the-job training(Mandatory);trainees are mandated to complete specified hours of training on site
OJT(R) On-the-job training(Recommended);trainees are recommended the specified hours of training on site
Procedural Knowledge Procedural knowledge addresses how to do something, or how to perform a task. It is the ability to work, or produce a tangible work output by applying cognitive, affective or psycho motor skills.
Training Outcome Training outcome is a statement of what a learner will know, understand and be able to do upon the completion of the training.
Terminal Outcome Terminal outcome is a statement of what a learner will know, understand and be able to do upon the completion of a module. A set of terminal outcomes help to achieve the training outcome.




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