Sector: Food Processing
Sub-Sector: Bread and Bakery
Occupation: Processing-Bread and Bakery
NSQF Level: 2.5
Training Outcomes
At the end of the program, the participants will be able to:
Module1: Introduction to Training Program and Overview of Food Processing Industry
Module 2: Prepare for production
Module 3: Baking of bakery products
Module 4: Ensuring food safety and personal hygiene
Module 5: Employability skills
The following tools are proposed to be used for final assessment:
Term | Description |
Declarative Knowledge | Declarative knowledge refers to facts, concepts and principles that need to be known and/or understood in order to accomplish or to solve a problem. |
Key Learning Outcome | Key learning outcome is the statement of what a learner needs to know, understand and be able to do in order to achieve the terminal outcomes. A set of key learning outcomes will make up the training outcomes. Training Outcome is specified in terms of knowledge, understanding(theory)and skills (practical application). |
OJT(M) | On-the-job training(Mandatory);trainees are mandated to complete specified hours of training on site |
OJT(R) | On-the-job training(Recommended);trainees are recommended the specified hours of training on site |
Procedural Knowledge | Procedural knowledge addresses how to do something, or how to perform a task. It is the ability to work, or produce a tangible work output by applying cognitive, affective or psycho motor skills. |
Training Outcome | Training outcome is a statement of what a learner will know, understand and be able to do upon the completion of the training. |
Terminal Outcome | Terminal outcome is a statement of what a learner will know, understand and be able to do upon the completion of a module. A set of terminal outcomes help to achieve the training outcome. |